General update, new chapter of The Havsagud Cell and more concept art!!!!

 G'day everybody, how are you all going?

Been a little bit since I've posted on here, I apologise for that, been busy as Uni classes have started again and I've been busy with them and the homework (Maths homework is the worst! Ugh!) along with work and other things. Also been doing my podcast, which you can check out on spotify, youtube and anchor by going to this folder on my other blog by clicking here:

I've also posted two new chapters to The Havsagud Cell on my blog (I'm posting the first draft there, it's copyrighted, all rights reserved, but you can read it through the folder linked below):

The Havsågud Cell – Racheal's Novels (

I've done some more concept art for the characters I've already introduced along with a new one, here is a video with all the art for the new character whom I will introduce at a later point:

OC Photoshoot results - crazychick359

Here are the other art, not for this new character, but for the princess Amaryllis as well:

And that's pretty much it for the moment, I hope you enjoy and that you have a lovely day/night 😊


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